The true colors of Mars


The true colors of Mars

This is a topic we were talking about on our previous website more than a decade ago and the entire discussion about about the fake colors on Mars seemed to have been a bit forgotten over the years. For this new version of the article, we did a few days of research on the newer new Mars rovers and found very interesting similarities.

The images from the surface of Mars published by the European Space Agency ESA, give us a clue that even fundamental information about Mars is being altered by the NASA, to give the impression, this Earth like planet is nothing more than a dead, dusty rock. 

This article was originally written in 2007, but it will be a good start for other Mars topics to be published on our new website, about how NASA is lying about so many incredible things that have been found on Mars and other locations in this solar system, which should be accepted as part of pre-human history and to show you the level of disinformation we are facing.

Let’s get right to it! Below you will find a collection we prepared to demonstrate how the NASA Mars images were altered to the extreme, in favor of presenting a dead, red planet to the public, when in reality, Mars is so much more. The left image shows the original image from the Viking Mars Lander from the year 1979. The image next to it was re-edited to bring it back closer to what it actually must have looked like for the camera and observer. We will get into detail later in the article what is being used as basis to determine which colors are correct. By the way, this image is supposed to show frost on the surface of Mars. With that in mind, which image is more realistic?

The next two panorama images show the same region on Mars, but have slightly different stories to tell. The first image shows a hill in the South East direction of the landing zone of the Mars Exploration Rover in a seemingly dusty environment. The resolution is quite poor and not too many details can be seen. That is, until we take a look at the second image of the exact same region, only this time it was combined by the graphic expert Keith Laney using the RGB data provided by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Suddenly we can make out a lot more details and the resolution is much higher and usable. Every rock is now easy to see and so is a beautiful bluish Mars sky!

The differences in the claims about the temperatures on Mars are interesting as well. While the scientists of the JPL report that the warmest temperatures averages between 5° to 15° Celsius, NASA claims they range between -5° to -70° Celsius. 

Let’s compare another set of images between NASA and ESA. To the left we can see once again the high level of color balance editing of the NASA images (click here for source), coloring everything red like an amateur photographer would do before learning how to properly edit images. The same landscape can be seen on a press conference of the ESA with the same hill in the background, except the Europeans don’t seem to have any reasons so lie about the actual colors of Mars and we see an Earth-like region with, once again, a blue sky.


The next image (left) was taken by the Viking Lander 1 on February 11, 1978 on Sol 556. You can find more info about the image searching for “11H016-A”. In the background a 2 meter wide rock can be seen and in the foreground, on the left bottom we are looking at the cover of the nuclear power supply of the lander. Please take a good look at the colors on the Viking lander itself and how even gray areas have a red film covering everything on the image. That happens when you adjust color balance into red levels. We will get into that in detail on the next pictures and how we can actually proof that the images were edited to look red, for all those who still doubt it. On the right side we uploaded an image of realistic colors. Which one seems more natural in your opinion? We welcome you to tell us your opinion at the bottom of the page. 


All rovers were and are equipped with a color calibration target also called sundial, which has the purpose to provide a basis for calibration to get the actual colors right once data was received on Earth and the images are put back together from the camera’s red, green and blue filters.

Fortunately it also help us “conspiracy theorists” in the same way to prove that the colors are indeed not correct. As you can imagine, published images that show the sundial are sparse, especially from Curiosity, we could not find a single image that shows the sundial clearly or they were purposely blacked out – classic NASA. 

We should take a look at the color calibration target that was used on the Viking Lander. It is very difficult to find any good images of the lander on Earth that also include the calibration table, but on the following pictures you can see a good example. Take a good look at the colors at the bottom row of the calibration target, as well at the flags on the lander as seen on Earth.


As you can see, the calibration target shows the colors red, green and blue, amongst white and grey shades. We will focus on the colors but also keep an eye on everything that’s supposed to be white on the rover. 

The first image is one of very few images that show both the rover with the calibration target and the landscape at the same time. It doesn’t take a scientist to figure out that the colors on the calibration target are completely off. Especially the blue turned into purple, red is extremely saturated and from the green is not much left either. Additionally the blue parts of the flag on the rover turned from blue to purple as well. How does this happen? When you adjust the color balance of an image, in this case, red levels. We were not able to fix this image due to the extreme editing of NASA and bring it back to a level on which the calibration target shows realistic levels. However, we found second image from a different time at the exact same location that allowed us to edit it to something that resembles the true colors and when you look at the calibration target, rocks and sky, everything starts to look a bit more realistic. 

The latest rovers use a different type of calibration target and images of it are even harder to find. Most of them are purposely blacked out of the images or completely covered by dust, but of course there is enough to be found to show that they are still doing the same thing decades later. 


Before we get to a final conclusion, let’s have a look at another, newer model of rovers the Nasa sent to Mars and which were not “lost” after landing. The Spirit Rover features another, newer type of sundial, which was and still is used by the Opportunity Rover. 

At the pictures below we present you the sundial used for both rovers and both pictures were taken on Earth. The second picture shows the sundial installed on the rover. We would like you to focus on the colors on the sundial but also the isolation color on the wires on the second image on the top right in blue. This will give you a hint how “true” the colors in the Spirit images actually are. 


The next image is quite famous and has the name PIA05015, in case you like to do more research. We uploaded this one in full resolution so you can take a look at in in detail by clicking here or right click it to open it in a new tab for full resolution.

This image was recorded on day or Sol 5 of the mission after arriving on Mars. One look at the calibration target which is magnified at the first picture below (first image Mars, second image Earth) and it is clear as day (ironically), that these are absolutely not the true colors on the surface of Mars. The colors are not only off, but changed completely and looking at the wire isolations, which are now red, only confirms this fact. Keep in mind, the sole purpose of the sundial or calibration target is to allow calibration of colors. These images are faked and we can probably all agree on, that one would expect that NASA hires professionals and no untrained personal to edit and publish these images with the funding they have. That tells us what most of us already know – the images are altered on purpose, just like structures on the moon and as well as objects that have been spotted in close orbit of the sun

Very interesting is this article published by BBC News, which is probably the first and only article addressing the color issues with pictures coming from NASA about Mars and deals with another image of the same rover: Click here


After all these decades of misinformation, NASA seem to finally starts to do something  we only saw from the ESA so far. Since 2015 we are being granted to see some high resolution images from Mars in actual colors, which can also be taken in as proof that the Mars we have been shown all these decades previously, was not the true colors and beauty of Mars, but a much more Earth-like planet as they wanted us to believe. However, these images are treated similar as the “false color” images from earlier missions, which actually looked more realistic than the fake-red images we got to see as the “true” colors and it is explained as follows:

“The colors are adjusted so that rocks look approximately as they would if they were on Earth, to help geologists interpret the rocks. This “white balancing” to adjust for the lighting on Mars overly compensates for the absence of blue on Mars, making the sky appear light blue…”

Surely for some people this explanation is sufficient. But for others it isn’t. 

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The Facts

  • The color calibration target or sundial, which have the purpose to act as calibration to get the actual colors right, prove the level of disinformation we are facing from NASA and how they faked the colors of Mars since decades to make it appear as dead planet, opposed to what Mars really is and especially, what it once was.


These rovers seem to be nothing more than publicity missions to give the general public bits and pieces over the decades, while NASA and others have all the time in the world to explore actual findings on Mars, such as the artificial mars face and pyramids and other remains of intelligent life on our neighbor planet which we cover in other articles. 

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