Adolf Hitler – The greatest story never told

The greatest story never told

Adolf Hitler, The Greatest Story Never Told is a 6-hour Documentary by TruthWillOut Films. This ground-breaking documentary chronicles the rise of Germany from defeat in World War I, to communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, and Adolf Hitler’s rise to power.

Since this film is widely censored in Youtube and other platforms and violate freedom of speech, we decided to make a part of it available to watch without being censored, for you to decide what to think in the end. 

You can purchase the original in good quality here:

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The Facts

  • For this one we will just go with: The history is a lie and you are welcome to find your path to figure out why


“The victor will always be the judge, and the vanquished the accused.” – Göring

What you can do

Information is a powerful tool. In a world in which the mainstream fake media is systematically brainwashing us, sharing these amazing topics is crucial. Please consider sharing any topic you find interesting with your family and friends.

More interesting articles

Russia – In the years between 1991 and 1995 various Russian mineral prospectors made some peculiar discoveries at the rivers… read more

Bolivia – In the year 1996 an archaeologist team discovered an area covered with rocks on the plateau of the Altiplano in Bolivia… read more

Sol System – This object stays not only in orbit, but extremely close to the surface of the sun for a period of days. If you watch… read more

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Gravitational waves confirm a black hole law predicted by Stephen Hawking

How gravitational waves confirm a black hole law predicted by Stephen Hawking

Despite their mysterious nature, black holes are thought to follow certain simple rules. Now, one of the most famous black hole laws, predicted by physicist Stephen Hawking, has been confirmed with gravitational waves.

According to the black hole area theorem, developed by Hawking in the early 1970s, black holes can’t decrease in surface area over time. The area theorem fascinates physicists because it mirrors a well-known physics rule that disorder, or entropy, can’t decrease over time. Instead, entropy consistently increases (SN: 7/10/15).

That’s “an exciting hint that black hole areas are something fundamental and important,” says astrophysicist Will Farr of Stony Brook University in New York and the Flatiron Institute in New York City.

The surface area of a lone black hole won’t change — after all, nothing can escape from within. However, if you throw something into a black hole, it will gain more mass, increasing its surface area. But the incoming object could also make the black hole spin, which decreases the surface area. The area law says that the increase in surface area due to additional mass will always outweigh the decrease in surface area due to added spin.

Gravitational waves from two merging black holes (shown in a simulation), spotted in 2015, revealed that the total surface area of the black holes doesn’t decrease when they merge.

To test this area rule, MIT astrophysicist Maximiliano Isi, Farr and others used ripples in spacetime stirred up by two black holes that spiraled inward and merged into one bigger black hole. A black hole’s surface area is defined by its event horizon — the boundary from within which it’s impossible to escape. According to the area theorem, the area of the newly formed black hole’s event horizon should be at least as big as the areas of the event horizons of the two original black holes combined.

The team analyzed data from the first gravitational waves ever spotted, which were detected by the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, LIGO, in 2015 (SN: 2/11/16). The researchers split the gravitational wave data into two time segments, before and after the merger, and calculated the surface areas of the black holes in each period. The surface area of the newly formed black hole was greater than that of the two initial black holes combined, upholding the area law with a 95 percent confidence level, the team reports in a paper to appear in Physical Review Letters.

“It’s the first time that we can put a number on this,” Isi says.

The area theorem is a result of the general theory of relativity, which describes the physics of black holes and gravitational waves. Previous analyses of gravitational waves have agreed with predictions of general relativity, and thus already hinted that the area law can’t be wildly off. But the new study “is a more explicit confirmation,” of the area law, says physicist Cecilia Chirenti of the University of Maryland in College Park, who was not involved with the research.

So far, general relativity describes black holes well. But scientists don’t fully understand what happens where general relativity — which typically applies to large objects like black holes — meets quantum mechanics, which describes small stuff like atoms and subatomic particles. In that quantum realm, strange things can happen.

For example, black holes can release a faint mist of particles called Hawking radiation, another idea developed by Hawking in the 1970s. That effect could allow black holes to shrink, violating the area law, but only over extremely long periods of time, so it wouldn’t have affected the relatively quick merger of black holes that LIGO saw.

Physicists are looking for an improved theory that will combine the two disciplines into one new, improved theory of quantum gravity. Any failure of black holes to abide by the rules of general relativity could point physicists in the right direction to find that new theory.

So physicists tend to be grumpy about the enduring success of general relativity, Farr says. “We’re like, ‘aw, it was right again.’”

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More interesting articles

Russia – In the years between 1991 and 1995 various Russian mineral prospectors made some peculiar discoveries at the rivers… read more

Bolivia – In the year 1996 an archaeologist team discovered an area covered with rocks on the plateau of the Altiplano in Bolivia… read more

Alien ships in orbit of the sun

Sol System – Coming soon…

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Why Aliens won’t invade Earth

Why Aliens won't invade Earth

(Picture by John Berkey) While most of our topics are based on facts and physical proof, we should not ignore that oftentimes confusing topics can be easily answered for ourselves by taking a step back and looking at the big picture by using common sense.

When we talk about alien visitations and other topics, our world view and the way we grew up and were intentionally programmed by our school system, governments and religions (which work hand in hand for mass control since centuries) and (mostly) unintentionally by our own parents who didn’t know it any better, play a big role in how we view these subjects.

Today we want to talk about the subject of alien visitations and why the fear of alien invasions is absurd to think of and worse, be scared of. For that, we will step even further back than the general programming that holds us back to think rational sometimes. Movies and the mainstream media programmed us into believing an alien invasion threat exists. According to Dr. Steven Greer and the Sirius Disclosure Project, the dark forces that are in control, are planning a whole new dimension of false flag attack after the horrible mas murder of 9/11. According to Dr. Steven Greer, a fake alien invasion is in plans with holographic technology we have access to, to brainwash us into the need for space based weapons, just like 9/11 was an operation to get the population into another war in Iraq to get the oil and gold. But does it really makes sense for a highly advanced species to even bother with an invasion in the real world?

What do we need to do to answer this question?

  • Most importantly, we have to sit down for a moment and stop thinking from a human perspective.

What does this mean? Well, we are living in a construct so to speak, maybe not physically as some movies try to make us aware of, such as Matrix, but we do in fact live our lives out in a dream world. Without getting too much into the details of this dream world or false sense of freedom we are told to have, we can say for certain that most of the population rarely even step out of their house at night and look at the stars for example. We are so busy and used to live our lives on the same level – work – eat – entertainment – sleep- that most of us hardly realize that we in fact walk around on a sphere in the vast space, protected only by a fragile magnetic field and that our days are being lighted and warmed up by a super reactor, the sun – one of billions of stars.

How many of your family and friends do you think actually know and understand for a fact, that the dots in the night-sky are suns just “ours” in the center of this solar system, or even better, entire galaxies filled with stars? I believe, how sad it might be, that most of the people surrounding us don’t have the slightest clue about basic facts of the world we live in. We like to portray us as the top species but quite honestly, when we take a look around, one can only wonder how other species must look down on us in disgusts.

It was only 200 years ago that we, the “pinnacle of intelligent life” went from candle light to electric light and from riding on horses to steam locomotives and cars with combustion engines – which we by the way still use to this day and yet, with our seemingly endless ignorance, we doubt other life in the universe and when we imagine it, we picture it hostile. But why? It makes no sense.

On many of the millions of planets in just this galaxy we call home, should be countless civilizations who not possibly, but surely are far, far ahead of us in development and intelligence (not very hard to accomplish when you look around on this planet). They have access to technology we can’t even understand, just like a tribe member in even today’s remote forests, couldn’t understand and explain a flat screen TV, leave alone a magnetic train. Not too long ago we thought the Earth was flat or that the Earth was the center of the universe and burned our own kind on the stake for stating it could be wrong. We have to first realize that in the time span of a civilization, which we barely can call ourselves at the moment, today’s humans are still at the very low stages of technology and possibilities, especially living against nature instead of in harmony with it.

What does it take for a civilization to survive long enough to get to a technological level that enables them to explore the stars? Certainly not a system of currency, different countries, languages and borders within their home planet at least. Thanks to insiders who worked on reverse engineering projects like Lazar, we know that Alien races make use of anti-matter or element115 to create unbelievable amounts of energy to bend space-time to travel without the loss of time, by bending space-time directly, so that departure and arrival location is the same place. Who knows what other ways of travel they have access to.

Let’s remember again to stop thinking from a human perspective. We can’t base possible intentions of Alien visitors on our own insecurity, fear or failure to rise as a peaceful civilization. Maybe we base our fear of an advanced civilization on the way we treat each other? We have yet to get rid of religions and flags and stop wasting time fighting and killing each other. A civilization that has access to a level of technology that enables space travel in such a way as we know, has the same level of technology for any other possible needs in their culture.

What are the most feared possible reasons for aliens to invade this planet and attack us Hollywood style?

  • Need humans as slaves or food

This first possible reason is actually quite funny to think about, but believe it or not, there are plenty of people out there living among us who think that’s a real possibility. Let’s think about why this is illogical. A civilization with the level of technology to come traveling to Earth, also must have the technology to build robotic or biologic help, clone or other means to get hard work done. Did you know? The famous alien greys apparently are a biological helper race, that was artificially bred to help with various tasks and keep their real makers safe from the dangers. Hence they have been described as emotionless or indifferent by those who encountered them during abductions etc. They are basically organic robots with psychic powers for communication and control.

Conclusion: There is no need to go through all the hassle of invading the planet just to get a work force – or humans as food source – which is even more absurd to think of. Once again, we seem to be afraid that someone could do to us what we do to animals and each other.

  • Expansion and need for space
  • Resources

At first glance that might be a good reason for them to come to Earth and according to the Sumerian culture, which was, from what we know today the birthplace of modern humans, the reason the Annunaki came to Earth was to mine gold for their home planet and created humans in the process as laborer to mine these resources. However, we have now spread like a virus all over the planet and did a great job in destroying most of it already and bring the entire balance of the planets ecosystem out of control and it is now surely one of the least desirable places in the galactic real estate market. Seriously though, someone with the ability to travel in space and visit other worlds, also has the ability of terraforming hostile planets that aren’t inhabited by other half way intelligent creatures and are able not only to mine other locations in the galaxy without disturbing other races, but possibly even create resources by combining matter the right way to shape objects to their need. Even we have a good understanding how different materials are build up on an atomic level and now thanks to quantum research, we know that all matter is merely energy or vibration, so who is to say they can’t simply create all kind of matter with their technology, whether it’s gold or anything else they could possibly need? Surely whatever an alien race could need, most of it is already depleted on Earth anyways.

The only reason we could think of why other lifeforms would come to Earth to attack humans, is our destructive nature, our endless wars and conflicts and the fact that today’s humans are mentally degrading more and more by the decade and in the process destroying this absolute garden of Eden we were allowed to live and spread on. In that case though, they could very easily spread a virus that only targets humans, to give the animal kingdom, nature and the planet in general a chance to recover from the infection that we are.

So isn’t the true reason why most humans are so afraid of Aliens because deep inside of of we are worried something unknown to us, is doing things to us we do to animals or ourselves? Once again it would help to take a step back and realize that nothing a visitor from another planet could do to us is worse than what we have done to each other already.

Stop being afraid to be enslaved by a slimy alien and do your part to treat others kindly and help those who do not have a general knowledge about our world to have the chance to learn more. Let us know in the comments below what your thoughts are.

If this was interesting to read, please do your part and share this with your friends, so more people can have the chance to learn about this interesting topic and others we publish. You are also welcome to tell us what you think in the comment section at the bottom of the page. Thank you!

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The Facts

  • An alien race with the technological level able to travel among the stars, will have other means to solve any of the few human feared reasons why aliens could possibly be hostile and invade the planet. They simply do not have the need to do so. The only logical reason for an alien race to step in, would be to help nature and rescue the planet’s balance and health from the virus that infected it – humans. And who would blame them for doing so?


Let’s spend more time in understanding the beauty of the world we live in and to share it with others around us who don’t see it yet and stop worrying about things we can’t control and which don’t even make any sense. Chances are that most civilizations passing by and have a quick look at this freak show we call our world, are here in peace and to hope that we are going to make the change one day to act as a true civilization and protect each other and our home planet from harm.

What you can do

Information is a powerful tool. In a world in which the mainstream fake media is systematically brainwashing us, sharing these amazing topics is crucial. Please consider sharing any topic you find interesting with your family and friends.

More interesting articles

Russia – In the years between 1991 and 1995 various Russian mineral prospectors made some peculiar discoveries at the rivers… read more

Bolivia – In the year 1996 an archaeologist team discovered an area covered with rocks on the plateau of the Altiplano in Bolivia… read more

Sol System – This object stays not only in orbit, but extremely close to the surface of the sun for a period of days. If you watch… read more

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The true colors of Mars


The true colors of Mars

This is a topic we were talking about on our previous website more than a decade ago and the entire discussion about about the fake colors on Mars seemed to have been a bit forgotten over the years. For this new version of the article, we did a few days of research on the newer new Mars rovers and found very interesting similarities.

The images from the surface of Mars published by the European Space Agency ESA, give us a clue that even fundamental information about Mars is being altered by the NASA, to give the impression, this Earth like planet is nothing more than a dead, dusty rock. 

This article was originally written in 2007, but it will be a good start for other Mars topics to be published on our new website, about how NASA is lying about so many incredible things that have been found on Mars and other locations in this solar system, which should be accepted as part of pre-human history and to show you the level of disinformation we are facing.

Let’s get right to it! Below you will find a collection we prepared to demonstrate how the NASA Mars images were altered to the extreme, in favor of presenting a dead, red planet to the public, when in reality, Mars is so much more. The left image shows the original image from the Viking Mars Lander from the year 1979. The image next to it was re-edited to bring it back closer to what it actually must have looked like for the camera and observer. We will get into detail later in the article what is being used as basis to determine which colors are correct. By the way, this image is supposed to show frost on the surface of Mars. With that in mind, which image is more realistic?

The next two panorama images show the same region on Mars, but have slightly different stories to tell. The first image shows a hill in the South East direction of the landing zone of the Mars Exploration Rover in a seemingly dusty environment. The resolution is quite poor and not too many details can be seen. That is, until we take a look at the second image of the exact same region, only this time it was combined by the graphic expert Keith Laney using the RGB data provided by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Suddenly we can make out a lot more details and the resolution is much higher and usable. Every rock is now easy to see and so is a beautiful bluish Mars sky!

The differences in the claims about the temperatures on Mars are interesting as well. While the scientists of the JPL report that the warmest temperatures averages between 5° to 15° Celsius, NASA claims they range between -5° to -70° Celsius. 

Let’s compare another set of images between NASA and ESA. To the left we can see once again the high level of color balance editing of the NASA images (click here for source), coloring everything red like an amateur photographer would do before learning how to properly edit images. The same landscape can be seen on a press conference of the ESA with the same hill in the background, except the Europeans don’t seem to have any reasons so lie about the actual colors of Mars and we see an Earth-like region with, once again, a blue sky.


The next image (left) was taken by the Viking Lander 1 on February 11, 1978 on Sol 556. You can find more info about the image searching for “11H016-A”. In the background a 2 meter wide rock can be seen and in the foreground, on the left bottom we are looking at the cover of the nuclear power supply of the lander. Please take a good look at the colors on the Viking lander itself and how even gray areas have a red film covering everything on the image. That happens when you adjust color balance into red levels. We will get into that in detail on the next pictures and how we can actually proof that the images were edited to look red, for all those who still doubt it. On the right side we uploaded an image of realistic colors. Which one seems more natural in your opinion? We welcome you to tell us your opinion at the bottom of the page. 


All rovers were and are equipped with a color calibration target also called sundial, which has the purpose to provide a basis for calibration to get the actual colors right once data was received on Earth and the images are put back together from the camera’s red, green and blue filters.

Fortunately it also help us “conspiracy theorists” in the same way to prove that the colors are indeed not correct. As you can imagine, published images that show the sundial are sparse, especially from Curiosity, we could not find a single image that shows the sundial clearly or they were purposely blacked out – classic NASA. 

We should take a look at the color calibration target that was used on the Viking Lander. It is very difficult to find any good images of the lander on Earth that also include the calibration table, but on the following pictures you can see a good example. Take a good look at the colors at the bottom row of the calibration target, as well at the flags on the lander as seen on Earth.


As you can see, the calibration target shows the colors red, green and blue, amongst white and grey shades. We will focus on the colors but also keep an eye on everything that’s supposed to be white on the rover. 

The first image is one of very few images that show both the rover with the calibration target and the landscape at the same time. It doesn’t take a scientist to figure out that the colors on the calibration target are completely off. Especially the blue turned into purple, red is extremely saturated and from the green is not much left either. Additionally the blue parts of the flag on the rover turned from blue to purple as well. How does this happen? When you adjust the color balance of an image, in this case, red levels. We were not able to fix this image due to the extreme editing of NASA and bring it back to a level on which the calibration target shows realistic levels. However, we found second image from a different time at the exact same location that allowed us to edit it to something that resembles the true colors and when you look at the calibration target, rocks and sky, everything starts to look a bit more realistic. 

The latest rovers use a different type of calibration target and images of it are even harder to find. Most of them are purposely blacked out of the images or completely covered by dust, but of course there is enough to be found to show that they are still doing the same thing decades later. 


Before we get to a final conclusion, let’s have a look at another, newer model of rovers the Nasa sent to Mars and which were not “lost” after landing. The Spirit Rover features another, newer type of sundial, which was and still is used by the Opportunity Rover. 

At the pictures below we present you the sundial used for both rovers and both pictures were taken on Earth. The second picture shows the sundial installed on the rover. We would like you to focus on the colors on the sundial but also the isolation color on the wires on the second image on the top right in blue. This will give you a hint how “true” the colors in the Spirit images actually are. 


The next image is quite famous and has the name PIA05015, in case you like to do more research. We uploaded this one in full resolution so you can take a look at in in detail by clicking here or right click it to open it in a new tab for full resolution.

This image was recorded on day or Sol 5 of the mission after arriving on Mars. One look at the calibration target which is magnified at the first picture below (first image Mars, second image Earth) and it is clear as day (ironically), that these are absolutely not the true colors on the surface of Mars. The colors are not only off, but changed completely and looking at the wire isolations, which are now red, only confirms this fact. Keep in mind, the sole purpose of the sundial or calibration target is to allow calibration of colors. These images are faked and we can probably all agree on, that one would expect that NASA hires professionals and no untrained personal to edit and publish these images with the funding they have. That tells us what most of us already know – the images are altered on purpose, just like structures on the moon and as well as objects that have been spotted in close orbit of the sun

Very interesting is this article published by BBC News, which is probably the first and only article addressing the color issues with pictures coming from NASA about Mars and deals with another image of the same rover: Click here


After all these decades of misinformation, NASA seem to finally starts to do something  we only saw from the ESA so far. Since 2015 we are being granted to see some high resolution images from Mars in actual colors, which can also be taken in as proof that the Mars we have been shown all these decades previously, was not the true colors and beauty of Mars, but a much more Earth-like planet as they wanted us to believe. However, these images are treated similar as the “false color” images from earlier missions, which actually looked more realistic than the fake-red images we got to see as the “true” colors and it is explained as follows:

“The colors are adjusted so that rocks look approximately as they would if they were on Earth, to help geologists interpret the rocks. This “white balancing” to adjust for the lighting on Mars overly compensates for the absence of blue on Mars, making the sky appear light blue…”

Surely for some people this explanation is sufficient. But for others it isn’t. 

If this was interesting to read, please do your part and share this with your friends, so more people can have the chance to learn about this interesting topic and others we publish. You are also welcome to tell us what you think in the comment section at the bottom of the page. Thank you!

The Facts

  • The color calibration target or sundial, which have the purpose to act as calibration to get the actual colors right, prove the level of disinformation we are facing from NASA and how they faked the colors of Mars since decades to make it appear as dead planet, opposed to what Mars really is and especially, what it once was.


These rovers seem to be nothing more than publicity missions to give the general public bits and pieces over the decades, while NASA and others have all the time in the world to explore actual findings on Mars, such as the artificial mars face and pyramids and other remains of intelligent life on our neighbor planet which we cover in other articles. 

What you can do

Information is a powerful tool. In a world in which the mainstream fake media is systematically brainwashing us, sharing these amazing topics is crucial. Please consider sharing any topic you find interesting with your family and friends.

More interesting articles

Russia – In the years between 1991 and 1995 various Russian mineral prospectors made some peculiar discoveries at the rivers… read more

Bolivia – In the year 1996 an archaeologist team discovered an area covered with rocks on the plateau of the Altiplano in Bolivia… read more

Sol System – This object stays not only in orbit, but extremely close to the surface of the sun for a period of days. If you watch… read more

Thank you for reading

Anomalies in sun’s orbit

Anomalies in orbit of the sun

We have to acknowledge that we sadly live in a world in which most of our fellow species lack basic education and common sense. Shockingly the majority of the population does not seem to have even basic insight about their very own world, such as the fact that every star they can see in the night sky is either another massive sun such as our host star, or even an entire galaxy filled with billions of stars and star systems. With this knowledge, it should not take more than a minute of logical thinking to understand that we cannot be alone. To even consider it, is both absurd and proves lack of common sense. 

There is plenty of photographic and video evidence of alien visitors accessible, both ancient and recent and while many of them are very convincing and are backed up with evidence and hundreds of witnesses in some cases, such as the Phoenix incident, many others can’t be proven to be authentic without doubt.

The following three cases are truly interesting and took place in close orbit of the sun in extreme conditions and were recorded by NASA/ESA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and were made accessible through Helioviewer – a visualization tool to enable the exploration of heterogeneous solar and heliospheric data-sets recorded by SDO.

In this first example the object only appears in one frame, so the possible refueling, what it seems to be doing, must have been rather quick. Keep in mind though that the frames in the video are at least an hour apart. The seemingly small craft could be larger than our moon. We will get into details about size comparisons later. The following footage was recorded on November 27th, 2016.

Video doesn’t load? Watch it on Youtube.

The image appears to show an unidentified object connected to the sun by a line. There is not much information but it is the only of the three examples where a possible explanation could be, that we are dealing with something solid being ejected from the sun. Rather unrealistic, but still possible.

Let’s move on two the second example. While the first was recorded with AIA171 filter, the filter used for the second object was AIA0335 and the object of interest was significantly larger than the first. On July 22, 2012 at 14:40:46 UT NASA SDO observatory accidentally photographed a possible UFO near the Sun. Photographs also were later made available publicly via Helioviewer. A project that is funded by ESA and NASA.

Interestingly NASA didn’t upload the image on their official SDO website, which is a good indication that we are looking at something of magnitude here, since NASA is well known to remove, brush out and lie about evidence showing UFOs and other proof of extraterrestrial life such as structures on the Moon and on Mars. There are also no images available between 14:32:16 UT to 14:47:40 UT timeline on their SDO website. Take a look:

This second object is absolutely massive, possibly larger than Planet Earth and yet, it is no match for the final anomalies and if it is caused by an object, it is an incredible footage.

The video starts with a high resolution view of the object connected to the sun for days, followed by a full sequence from the arrival to departure over 5 days, which is a time frame from March 8th, 2012 until March 13th, 2012 with 10 minutes in between frames. After that we will show some closeups and more details.

Video doesn’t load? Watch it on Youtube.

Usually after watching videos showing such incredible things, people tend to ask the wrong questions. Such as: Who are they? Where are they from? What do they want? There are certain questions that can very well be answered with enough research and others remain speculation. We don’t want to speculate or make up theories, but rather look at the facts and that’s what we should focus on. 

This object stays not only in orbit, but extremely close to the surface of the sun for a period of days. If you watch the video closely and keep in mind that the sun is rotating hour by hour, you can see this massive sphere remaining at the same position, unaffected by the suns rotation. That is one very strong indication that this is no natural phenomena created by the sun itself. If it was, the anomaly would move with the rotation and gravity of the sun instead of having its own controlled position in space and in the orbit of the sun. 

The second and probably strongest fact that this is by no means a natural phenomena is the way it detaches from the sun. It appears to be sucking energy from the surface of the sun to refuel in some manner, again a question we can not answer for certain, but we can see that whatever it is, is connected to the sun and after days (!) of possibly sucking energy or plasma from the sun’s surface, it detaches, takes off, so to speak and creates a disturbance of incredible forces and size. 

Which brings us to the most mind-blowing fact! This object is not the size of the moon, not the size of Earth but at least the size of Planet Saturn! Let that sink in for a moment. To make it easier to understand and compare, please study the following image where we compare the sun with other planets of the solar system and this, probably most incredible UFO footage ever recorded and accidentally released. 

The footage speaks for itself and is authentic coming from images from NASA/ESA who this time, luckily didn’t notice it in time to brush it out or take it off entirely as they did with other objects near the sun. Just to show you that they indeed brush and block out UFOs, we will share one more picture of such an example published by NASA. 

If this was interesting to read, please do your part and share this with your friends, so more people can have the chance to learn about this interesting topic and others we publish. You are also welcome to tell us what you think in the comment section at the bottom of the page. Thank you!

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The Facts

  • Multiple objects seemingly under intelligent control visited the sun and even appear to extract energy
  • One of the objects was as large as Saturn and disturbs a massive area of the surface of the sun when departing and detaching 
  • The chances that three different shaped objects are in extremely close orbit of the sun, some of them for hours or even days, make it hard to believe we are dealing with natural causes here. 


In our opinion the footage is proof of extraterrestrial life in one form or the other. The size of the objects are hard to comprehend, but then again we can’t compare alien technology that might be tens of thousands years ahead of our own. Their abilities will seem just as magic and impossible to us now, as it was for aborigines seeing our airplanes and other technology. 

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More interesting articles

Russia – In the years between 1991 and 1995 various Russian mineral prospectors made some peculiar discoveries at the rivers… read more

Bolivia – In the year 1996 an archaeologist team discovered an area covered with rocks on the plateau of the Altiplano in Bolivia… read more

Mars – The next image to the left is one of very few images that show both the rover with the calibration target and… read more

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The Giants of Bolivia

The Giants of Bolivia

Mainstream history wants us to believe as a fact, that today’s humans are the result of evolution, which itself is still merely a theory. Unfortunately the theory lacks evidence. If anything, the evidence against this theory is crushing. Few know that the other human-like versions, such as the Neanderthal were not a step of evolution, but a completely different human version. In that regard the next topic is extremely interesting. For one, it completely disproves both the evolution theory and also the human history itself at once, with physical facts.

In the year 1996 an archaeologist team discovered an area covered with rocks on the plateau of the Altiplano in Bolivia which is more than 13.000ft above sea level. According to the archaeologists, the area showed signs of human modification of terrain as well as remnants of trees snapped like matches. After closer investigation in the following weeks, the team came to the conclusion, that the remnants had to be several completely destroyed villages and excavations started immediately and brought to light incredible things.

With every artifact that was unearthed, it became more and more certain, that a technological advanced civilization must have lived in this area before it got destroyed by an unknown force. After conversations with local geologists of the bordering countries, they came to the conclusion, that the destruction of this civilization was caused by a meteorite which impacted near Campo de Cielo in Argentina more than 4.000 years ago, with a diameter of approximately 165ft. Campo de Cielo is only about 155 miles from the place of discovery. It was calculated that the explosion of the impact was equal to the effect of several nuclear detonations and explained the destruction in the area, including the tragic end of these (giant) inhabitants.

Some of the most interesting findings that have been made, were masks decorated with turquoise inlays (see gallery) as well as flutes made of stones and pipes. All pieces are perfectly manufactured and decorated with different subjects that cannot be assigned to any pre-Colombian culture. The symbols have close resemblance to the illustrations James Churchward employed in his book “The Lost Continent of Mu”. According to his theory, the continent of Mu existed in the Pacific and spread its culture to all continents. Also very interesting is the connection to the same symbols, which William Niven found from 1897 until 1927. Professor Masaaki Kimuro, who leads the researches concerning the stone buildings in Yonguini (Japan), also writes that a lot of the symbols that have been carved into the stone tablets found in Japan, are completely identical with the those of the Niven-tablets. The technique of the fabrication of artifacts from Bolivia are difficult to explain when using mainstream history as basis. Up to the discovery of flutes from Bolivia, there were only two stone flutes known from China, which are about 6,000 years old and came from the province Henan. However, the Chinese flutes are simply manufactured and do not exhibit any decorations while the Bolivian flutes were covered in beautiful decorations and motives and amazed scientists with their perfectly adapted boreholes and the level of precision. The question how it could have been possible that centuries ago they were able to to create boreholes accurate to the millimeter into very hard rock and furthermore, how could these holes have been connected in a perfect diameter in a curvature with the other end? As an interesting side note, one of the flutes shows a motive of a descending serpent, commonly used in South American culture to describe the arrival of their gods, and right below a figure that seems to resemble a Grey Alien (see gallery).

Without looking at the remains of the bodies of these people, the flutes gave an undeniable indication to those who tried to get them to produce sounds, that they were not made by or for humans. During sound tests in 2001 in Vienna, the flutes have been examined by a professional flute player. For a long time the man was not able to get a single sound out of the flutes. When he finally did, the sounds created a strong vibrancy amongst the audience. 

Here it gets really interesting. The musicologists who were present, noted, that the tone row did not match any popular, existing musical scale and Italian and American scientists found out, that the frequency of the sounds, was precisely equivalent with our brainwaves. At this point we also have to state the question again how far advanced these  humanoids must have been? 

Which brings us to the most interesting fact: The professional flute player believed, that the makers of these instruments must have had a huge breast or lung volume and he was spot on – the body measurements of these people were superior to us, just as their technology level at the time. These humanoids were between 8.2 to 8.8 ft tall and had a very different appearance compared to us. In the gallery you can see comparisons we made to show some of the most interesting details of the skulls. 

The elongated skull, which is not Artificial cranial deformation or modification but natural, is definitely the most striking point. Highlighted in blue and orange, the shape of the mouth and teeth is arranged steeply upward, rather than straight and on a flat level like human teeth. Potentially this gave them some sort of permanent smile, similar to dolphins. When looking closely, the area between the eyes and cheeks also differ strongly from us and combined with their, most likely very low voice, they must have made for an impressive and peaceful impression. 

According to the Mayans, the current version of humans is the fifth one. Since these enormously tall people lived at the same time period as us, about 2000 BC, it makes perfect sense that some of our stories about giants can be traced back to these people.

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The Facts

  • This is a different humanoid species not related to “modern” humans
  • These giants shared the planet at the same time period with “modern humans”, about 4,000 years ago, which disproves both the evolution theory and the entire human history at once
  • They had possessed a higher technology than humans at the same time


Based on the bodily remains and sophisticated artifacts that have been found in the region where these giants lived, it is clear without a doubt that we discovered the remains of an additional human race, not related to us from a physical and cultural point of view. An entirely different human life form that shared this planet with us in the same time period. Once again, our mainstream theories and history are proven incorrect.

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Information is a powerful tool. In a world in which the mainstream fake media is systematically brainwashing us, sharing these amazing topics is crucial. Please consider sharing any topic you find interesting with your family and friends.

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Russia – In the years between 1991 and 1995 various Russian mineral prospectors made some peculiar discoveries at the rivers… read more

Mars – The next image to the left is one of very few images that show both the rover with the calibration target and… read more

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Ancient Nanotechnology

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Ancient Nanotechnology

In the years between 1991 and 1995 various Russian mineral prospectors made some peculiar discoveries at the rivers Balbanju, Narada, Kozhim and at the creeks Wetwisty and Lapchewozh. In a depth from 10 to 39 feet (3 to 12 meters) they found artificial artifacts made up of metal which hold a size from 3 centimeters to 0.0003 millimeters. 

You can see on the pictures that no matter who built these spirals, they must had access to a higher form of (nano) technology. A technology which is avaible to us only since some decades. One can exclude with absolute certainty that those spirals where formed by natural activities because on one hand they offer an astonishing regularity and on the other hand they are made up of copper, molybdenum and tungsten. They have a plain surface with traces of holes and partially have also cores made up of molybdenum and tungsten. By cognizing the special form and configuration of the spirals it was clear that they were used technically. Furthermore measurements showed that the proportions of the spirals possess the “golden ratio”. Most notably the bigger objects are made up of molybdenum and tungsten.

In this regard it is interesting that molybdenum has a melting point of 4748°F (2620°C) and is used by present day’s version of human beings mostly in electro-technics and rocketry as well as an ingredient for alloy (molybdenum-steel), as it also occurs with tungsten. The latter was produced for the first time in 1783 by the Spanish brothers Fausto Elhuyar and Juan José Elhuyar through beneficiation of tungsten trioxid. The very hard metal tungsten, even has an melting point of 6116°F (3380°C) and is used mostly as filament for illuminants today and as already mentioned it’s also used as alloy.

Amongst other things the objects were analyzed accurately through “Auger spectroscopy”. This allows an exploration of the surface without damaging or destroying any of the objects. The analysis was put in execution in the central scientific institute for geology and metallurgy in Moscow. The results were amazing. One examination report shows that the scientists come to the findings that the layer of earth in which some of the spirals were found can be dated back to more than 100.000 years! In that report it was excluded that those artefacts were residues or garbage from Russian space flight projects. Though some people who can not arrange the truth with their inflexible world view are nonetheless certain that those artefacts “have to be” remains of Russian space flight projects or suchlike.

If this really is the case then it would certainly be interesting to hear an explanation for the fact that those spiral artefacts were found in depths of up to 39 feet (12 meters).

The sentence which finishes the report of the Russian scientists is quite interesting too: “The data obtained allow the possibility of an extra-terrestrial technogenic origin”

Actual images of the nano-artifacts:

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The Facts

  • The artifacts are definitely not natural
  • They were not manufactured by today’s humans
  • The layers of soil in which the nano artifacts have been discovered, date back more than 100.000 years, to a timeline in which Neanderthals still wandered on Earth and the use of fire and simple tools were the highlight of civilization, according to mainstream historic theories
  • The proportions of the spirals consisted of the “golden ratio”, which is another indication for high technology and computing power being used to manufacture them


Using evidence of the objects or artifacts itself, the results of scientists in Moscow and common sense, the only two possibilities to explain these Nano Tubes are either an extraterrestrial origin or a long forgotten culture living on this planet that was more advanced than we are. Either way, our mainstream theories and history are proven incorrect.

What you can do

Information is a powerful tool. In a world in which the mainstream fake media is systematically brainwashing us, sharing these amazing topics is crucial. Please consider sharing any topic you find interesting with your family and friends.

More interesting articles

Sol System – This object stays not only in orbit, but extremely close to the surface of the sun for a period of days. If you watch… read more

Bolivia – In the year 1996 an archaeologist team discovered an area covered with rocks on the plateau of the Altiplano in Bolivia… read more

Mars – The next image to the left is one of very few images that show both the rover with the calibration target and… read more

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